PaperCut 'Print Deploy' Client sign-in
The PaperCut 'Print Deploy' client installs the printers needed to print to Follow Me, and will allow the client to reconginise you as a user.
You cannot print without setting up the PaperCut Print Deploy client for your device.
The first step of setting up the PaperCut Print Deploy client is to navigate to the taskbar arrow on the bottom right of the desktop, right click on the photocopier image and select 'View my Printers.'
Once 'View my printers' has been selected, a PaperCut Print Deploy client application will open.
You need to select the option 'sign in to install' next to the printer names.
Once the 'Sign in to install' option has been selected a menu will pop up asking for a email address and password.
You must enter your Office 365 email address and password that you use for services such as Outlook and SharePoint.
After you have entered your login credentials, select 'Sign in and install.'
After the 'sign in and install' option has been selected the printers will finalise their installation process and you can exit out of the PaperCut Print Deploy client client.