Upload files or photos to OneDrive in iOS
Upload files or photos to OneDrive in iOS
Use the OneDrive app to upload photos and videos from your device, create new folders, and move photos and videos from one OneDrive folder to another.
To upload files and folders with the OneDrive for iOS app:
In the OneDrive app, tap the add icon at the top of the screen in the location you would like the photo's uploaded as shown below
Then tap to Take a photo, Scan a document, Create a folder or Upload a file or photo. *The majorority of the time you will want to upload*
Next we move on to Automatically save photos and videos with OneDrive on iOS
NOTE: The camera roll on your device only uploads to OneDrive - it does not sync photos both ways. That means you can delete uploaded photos and videos from your device, and the copies in OneDrive won't be affected.
To automatically upload your iPhone or iPad camera roll to OneDrive
In the OneDrive app, tap your account image:
Tap Settings then Camera Upload
Important: You can only upload your camera roll to one account at a time, so make sure you're signed in with the account that you want to upload photos to. Tap the relevant account icon to switch accounts.
Turn on Camera Upload to automatically upload photos and videos to OneDrive.
To make sure videos automatically upload, turn on Include Videos.
Turn on "upload in the background" switch and allow OneDrive to access your location.
On how to save HEIC Photo's please select JPG as shown below